Authors' Workshop: Academic Authority and the Politics of Science and History in Eastern Europe

Online, 11-12 December 2020

Organisers: Dietlind Hüchtker, Karin Reichenbach, Friedrich Cain, Bernhard Kleeberg, and Jan Surman

This authors workshop continued the discussions of the workshop Academic Authority and the Politics of Science and History in Eastern Europe held in June/July 2020.


Fr. 11 Dec. 2020

9:00–9:30 Introduction, Procedure, Test of System

9:30–10:15 Friedrich Cain – System Optimisation: On the Responsibility of Socialist Science Studies

10:30–11:15 Miglena Nikolchina – Between Evasion and Confrontation: Opposing Communist Dogma in the Humanities: The Bulgarian Case(s)

11:30–12:15 Eduard Burget, Petra Loučová, Doubravka Olšáková – Grey Zone: Official or Dissent Science in Communist Academia? (working title)

Lunch break

13:15–14:00 Andreas Langenohl – Historiography Overtaken by History? The Self-authorization of Academic Historians in Russia of the 1990s 

14:15–15:00 Anne Kluger – “Honecker’s Vassal” or a Prehistorian in Service of Science? The Concept of “the Scholar” in the Debate on Joachim Herrmann and the Evaluation of Former East-German Researchers in Reunified Germany


Sa. 12 Dec. 2020

9:00–9:45 Ionuț Mircea Marcu – The Historiographical Field in Post-socialist Romania: Institutions, Careers and Epistemic Innovations

10:00–10:45 Michał Pawleta – In the Shadow of the Omnipresent Past: The New Approach of the Contemporary Poles to the Archaeological Past

11:00–11:45 Andrea Pető – Making Illiberal Memory Politics via Creating Alternative Systems and In­sti­tutions of Academic Authority

Lunch break

12:45–13:30 Karin Reichenbach – Practices of Evidence in Pseudo-Science

13:45–14:30 Ella Rossman – Gender History in Post-Soviet Russia: Legitimation of the New Field and Research De-politicization

14:30–15:00 Final Discussion, Further Procedure